

比兔TV为您提供1997年由桑德拉·布洛克,杰森·帕特里克,威廉·达福,特穆拉·莫里森,布莱恩·麦克卡尔迭,Christine Firkins,迈克·哈格蒂,考林·加普,洛伊丝·奇利斯,弗朗西斯·奎南,Tamia,Jeremy Hotz,恩里克·穆西安诺,Jessica Diz,Connie Ray,帕特里卡·达博,金米·罗伯特森,Charles Parks,博·史文森,罗伊尔·沃特金,马克·阿戴尔-里奥斯,格伦·普拉默,艾莉森·迪安,乔·达安格里奥,小理察·斯贝特,蒂姆·康威,Tommy J. Huff,杰伊·拉科波,Mark Kriski,Ben Siegler,詹妮弗·巴杰,Cheryl Bermeo,杰夫·布洛克顿,Matthew Taylor,卡林霍斯·布朗,乔·莫顿主演,扬·德·邦特导演的《生死时速2:海上惊情》/原名《Speed 2: Cruise Control》/又名《捍卫战警2:喋血巡洋(台) / 生死时速2:怒海红颜 / 生死时速2之喋血巡洋》动作 爱情 惊悚 电影在线观看完整版,《生死时速2:海上惊情》百度云网盘资源以及《生死时速2:海上惊情》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《生死时速2:海上惊情》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

安妮(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)和杰克的恋情并未走到最后,失落的安妮决意不再与特警恋爱,现任男友亚历克斯(杰森·帕特里克 Jason P

Plot Summary:Annie Porter, the woman who was held on a bus with a bomb attached to it that will go off if it slows down. She dated the cop who saved her but broke up with him because he was constantly putting his life in danger. She would then date a guy named Alex who is also a cop but told her that he does a mundane assignment. But she eventually learns that he works for the same unit that the other guy worked for and is also addicted to danger. She wants to break up with but he surprises her with a cruise. She agrees to go. And he's planning to propose to her. But when he notices another passenger act peculiar, he can't help but try to find out what's up with him. He's Geiger, a computer man who designed the ship's systems, who was fired. He then takes over the ship's systems and sets it on a course that will send it into a tanker. Alex tries to stop him.



日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Speed.2.Cruise.Control.1997.BluRay.1080p.x264.DTS-
2019-05-11 生死时速2:海上惊情.Speed 2 41.09GB
日期 资源名称
2019-05-11 Speed 2 Cruise Control 1997 BluRay 1080p DTS-HD MA
日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Speed.2.Cruise.Control.1997.BRRip.XviD.MP3-XVID
2019-05-12 生 死时速1-2(1997-1999美).2.54
2019-05-12 Speed.2.Cruise.Control.1997.BRRip.XviD.MP3-RARBG
2019-05-12 Speed 2: Cruise Control
2019-05-11 Speed 2 Criuse Control 1997 DVDRip XViD iNT-JoLLyR
2019-05-11 Speed 2 Cruise Control 1997 BRRip Xvid AC3-playXD
2019-05-11 2 Criuse Control 1997 DVDRip XViD iNT-JoLLyRoGeR [
2019-05-11 2 Criuse Control 1997 DVDRip XViD iNT-JoLLyRoGeR
2019-05-11 Speed 2 Cruise Control 1997 DVDRip XViD iNT-JoLLyR
2019-05-11 Speed 2 Criuse Control 1997 DVDRip XViD iNT-JoLLyR
2019-05-11 Speed 2
2019-05-11 skorost-2_1.46_[ru]_DVDRIP.RUS
2019-05-11 Speed 2 Cruise Control.1997.DVDRIP.XVID.AC3-MAJEST
2019-05-11 Speed 2 Cruise Control.1997.DVDRIP.XVID.AC3-MAJEST
2019-05-11 Speed 2 1997 PAL DVDR-BHL
2019-05-11 Speed 2 - Cruise Control German DL 1997 COMPLETE P
2019-05-10 Speed 2 [1997] DvDRip XviD BGAudio-mucker
2019-05-10 Speed 2 Cruise Control 1997 BRRip Xvid AC3-playXD
2019-05-10 Speed.2.Cruise.Control.1997.BRRip.XviD.MP3-RARBG
2019-05-10 Speed 2 - Cruise Control 1997 DvdRip Dual Audio [H
2019-05-10 Speed 2 - Cruise Control (1997) DvdRip.aviAVI
2019-05-10 SPEED.2-Cruise.Control.[1997].SWESUB.DVDrip.[AC-3(
2019-05-10 Speed 2 Cruise Control (1997)Ac3 5.1 [dvdrip][soni
2019-05-10 Speed 2 Cruise Control.1997.DVDRIP.XVID.AC3-MAJEST
2019-05-10 Speed 2. Cruise Control (1997).aviAVI
2019-05-10 Speed 2: Cruise Control(1997)DVDRip.AC3(ENG)-DROCK
2019-05-10 Speed & Speed 2 - Cruise ControlAVI



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