大卫(亚历克斯•帕蒂弗Alex Pettyfer 饰)和朱迪(加布瑞拉•王尔德Gabriella Wilde 饰)是一对坠入了情网之中的爱侣,可是很显然,他们的家人们并不看好这段恋情。于是,长辈们想方设法的要将两人分开,为此施展了许多下作的手段,但这些都没能够阻止大卫疯 狂的去爱朱迪,他为了能够同朱迪见面,甚至放火烧掉了自家的房子。 在大卫的不断努力之下,他终于再一次的见到了朱迪,被百般压抑的爱火彻彻底底的爆发了。直到此时,朱迪才意识到,大卫对于自己的眷恋和热情的确异于常人,两人长此以往的交往下去并不会有什么好的结果,于是,她决定离开大卫。Two young teenagers, Jade Butterfield and David Axelrod, fall in love with each other. But the passion is too consuming for Jade's bohemian parents. Her parents try to stop them from seeing each other. But when this doesn't work, David burns down the house and is sent to a mental hospital. This doesn't stop him from seeing her. When he gets out, he goes to look for her and remains in love with her. But in the end, the passion for his first love is too strong and she has to leave or this love will kill both of them.下载电影就来比兔TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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