主演:钱嘉乐 斯琴高娃 林正英 孙国明 关海山 陈少鹏 午马
乾隆三十八年间,少林叛徒高进忠率领清兵血洗少林。侥幸逃生的义士对高恨之入骨,誓杀奸贼以报冤仇。然几次复仇行动皆告失败,以洪熙官(林正英 饰)为首的一众义士避开清兵锋芒,前往广州创办了“琼花会馆”。但不久高进忠调任广州提督,来至此地,双方又是一场恶斗。 另一方面,广州方姓之家有一公子,名叫世玉(钱嘉乐 饰),他自幼随母习武,功夫了得,加上天性顽皮,少不得在外惹出祸端。广州恶霸雷老虎死在方世玉手下,雷的妻子李小环和丈人李巴山对世玉穷追不舍。危急时刻,奄奄一息的世玉遇见了正在逃避官府追杀的洪熙官……In the 18th century, the Manchurian Ch'ings are intent on closing the Shaolin temple, where Hong Zhi-Guan is a leader. Kow Ching Chung, once Hong's friend, leads the troops against the temple. Hong must go into hiding. By chance, Hong rescues Feng Shi-Yu, a young and clever fighter, from a jealous neighbor; an alliance builds between Hong and the younger man. To find Hong, Kow sends a spy into Feng's household, a young woman named Moon. Feng falls in love with her, but is she only faking love for him? Hong, Feng, and Feng's family are on a collision course with the ambitious Kow. Blood will flow.下载电影就来比兔TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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