主演:凯文·席格斯 杰米·芮妮·史密斯 Trevor Roberts
杰克是一只3岁的黑猩猩,他是某大学研究计画的对象,并学会如何与人类沟通。负责此计画的肯多博士突然去世,杰克竟被狄恩博士卖给医学研究机构,从事生物学实验。实验室里的工友因同情杰克而将他偷偷放走,并送他坐上开往故乡的火车,糊涂的杰克竟然睡过站来到冰天雪地的加拿大。还好杰克遇到友善的听障女孩泰拉和她哥哥史帝夫,杰克在泰拉的教导之下学会溜冰,正巧被球队教练发现而惊为天人,杰克加入了球队,表显优异的他使得球队在国家联盟赛节节胜利,金牌在望。就在关键时刻狄恩却突然出现带走杰克,泰拉、史帝夫及其他球员必须尽快将杰克救回来,赶在时间之内参加冠军赛……Jack is a three-year-old chimpanzee who has been the subject of a long-term experiment by Dr. Kendall, a researcher who been teaching Jack to communicate through sign language. Jack, however, has not been making progress fast enough for Dr. Kendall's sponsor, Dr. Peabody, who has cut off his funding and sold Jack to a medical research lab. Afraid of what could happen to his simian friend, Dr. Kendall sneaks Jack out of his home in the lab; however, Jack is accidentally sent to Canada, where he gets loose and is discovered by Tara, a deaf girl who recognizes Jack's sign language. Jack has an even bigger surprise for Tara's older brother Steven; Jack scrambles onto the ice in the midst of practice for Steven's junior league hockey team, and he and his teammates discover the monkey has a natural talent for the game. With Jack on the team, Steven's team is on their way to a league championship, but Jack's notoriety attracts the unfortunate attention of Dr. Peabody, who are determined to send Jack back to his new owners.下载电影就来比兔TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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