更新日期: 2019-05-10
主演:Jamie Croft Philip Quast Susan Lyons
导演:Mario Andreacchio /
主演:Jamie Croft Philip Quast Susan Lyons
小狗拿破仑是只不安分守己的小狗,他十分不愿意常年过着被圈养的生活,和妈妈一起住在主人家狭小的院子里。在院子里,拿破仑总能听到野狗的叫声,它十分渴望能跟他们一样。终于在某一天,拿破仑在和小主人玩耍时误入了氢气球篮子,于是他飞上了天,开始了流浪的旅程。此时的拿破仑觉得自己就和英雄拿破仑,开始向世界出发!拿破仑在气球篮子里见到了从来未见到的世界,还遇到了一只热心肠的鹦鹉——鸟兜。鸟兜警告诉说自然界里危机四伏,劝拿破仑赶快回到温暖的家中。但拿破仑依然决心去闯荡世界!Napoleon is a little dog that lives in Sydney. He and his mother live with a family, but Napoleon loves to dream about meeting the wild dogs that live far away, and eventually becoming one himself. One day he gets into a basket hung from some balloons and flies away into the sky. The wind carries him to a nearby island where the basket finally lands. There he meets all kinds of different animals; some of them are friendly, but some aren't. With the help of a parakeet friend he learns the secrets of living alone in the island and defending himself from wild animals. He goes in search of the wild dogs, whom he finally finds. He is very happy with them, but then he gets homesick and starts to miss his mother, so he decides to go home again.下载电影就来比兔TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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