1936年,志在研究延长生命方法的伦道夫·卡明基(Timothy Dykes 饰)在家中被人射杀,临死前他将毕生的心血托付妻子装在一个匣子内。在接下来的70多年里,木匣数易其手,经历了人世间的沧桑变幻,最终落到一个杂货店店主苏珊·乔丹(崔希·提格 Tracy Teague 饰)的手中。她将匣子放在网上拍卖,引来了雷夫·柯林斯(Mathew J. Wright 饰)和亚历克斯·坡(Vince Eustace 饰)这两个男人的注意。而网上对匣子异乎寻常的出价也让苏珊倍感蹊跷,她通过网络查询了有关卡明基医生的事迹,并对匣中的药品亲身实践,竟然神奇地治愈了她已毫无希望的绝症。 然而,看似美好的结局,却是一段恐怖故事的开始……The Ancient Romans believed that the soul escaped one's body with the last breath. It was believed that last breath held the power to cure disease and prolong life. In 1930's, Dr. Robert Kaminsky devoted his life to finding out how to harness the power in the last breath. Susan Jordan owns a local novelty shop. One item in her shop, an antique box once owned by Doctor Kaminsky, draws the interest of two men: Raif Collins who hopes its contents can save his dying sister, and Alex Poe whose motives are more mysterious. Susan quickly finds herself in a perilous struggle to protect the box and the secrets that it holds.下载电影就来比兔TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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