更新日期: 2019-05-12
主演:加里·勒斯培 Jean-Claude Vallod Chantal Barré Véronique de Pandelaère Michel Begnez
导演:劳伦·冈泰 / 编剧:未知
主演:加里·勒斯培 Jean-Claude Vallod Chantal Barré Véronique de Pandelaère Michel Begnez
毕业于巴黎名牌大学的高才生弗兰克回到故乡,进入父亲工作的工厂实习。弗兰克深得老板赏识,他也顶住来自亲人、朋友的压力完成了老板布置的一项调查工作。不久后,工厂宣布了十二名工人的解雇通知,这里面也包括弗兰克的父亲。弗兰克最终联合工会开始了一场声势浩大的罢工……The 35-hour work week has all of France in its thrall. This film turns it into a feature about economic and familial politics. Frank, a business school graduate, returns to his provincial hometown to take a management position in the factory where his father has been working for 30 years. First Frank makes the mistake of actually asking the workers on the assembly line for their opinions. Then upper management manipulates his findings to lay off employees. This creates a huge rift, not only between labor and management, but between father and son. A human morality tale that evokes paternal and filial love, and illustrates the personal risk behind political ideas.下载电影就来比兔TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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