韩国闹市街头,生活着一名沉默寡言、逆来顺受的男人池东哲(孔侑 饰)。他从事代驾工作,见惯了他人的白眼和凌辱。真正的他是从北朝鲜逃过来的前特殊部队成员,为了追查害死妻儿的凶手而甘愿抛弃一切。在朝鲜他得到了德高望重的朴会长的器重,谁知会长在某个夜晚被人杀害,老人临死前将自己 的眼镜交给东哲。成为此案重要嫌疑人的东哲卷入了一连串充满杀戮和阴谋的漩涡,更不知道那副眼镜中竟然隐藏着天大的秘密。朝鲜秘密部门蠢蠢欲动,空军特殊部队CCT的训练教官闵世勋大校(朴熙顺 饰)也对东哲紧追不舍。 站在风口浪尖的东哲,被迫凭借一己之力周旋在各方势力之中……Dong-chul (Gong Yoo) is the best field agent in North Korea - until he is abandoned during a mission, his wife and daughter murdered. Hunted and on the run, torn between grief and vengeance, he takes a job as a night driver for the CEO of a powerful corporation. The chairman is brutally assassinated - but gives Dong-chul a pair of glasses before he dies. Now, he's on the run again. Accused of murder, wanted for treason, and desperate to uncover the volatile national secrets hidden inside the glasses. Dong-Chul wants the truth. And he'll start a war to get it.下载电影就来比兔TV,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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