Ted: I want to be a complete head-over-heels idiot for one. *Me too.
Robin asked her therapist in tears: why am i constantly looking for reasons not to be happy?
Replied the therapist: maybe because the idea of finally being happy terrifies you.
When you meet the right person, you know it. you can't stop thinking about them, they are your best friend, and your soulmate, you can't wait to spend the rest of your life with them, no one and nothing else can compare.
If there's one thing i've learned as a therapist, it's that just because something needs to be told, doesn't always mean it needs to be heard. (Kevin i did something bad.) We've all done bad things, doesn't mean we're bad people. Look i don't care every detail from your past, and i hope you don't care about mine either. What i do care about is you and that from tonight forward, you are in this as much as i am.
...and pretending anyone who leaves you never existed in the first place.
if it's meant to be, then it won't matter.
Victoria: I really hope you get her someday.
Kids, you can't cling to the past. cuz no matter how tight you hold on, it's already gone.
Maybe we don't need to give meaning to every little thing, maybe we don't need the universe to tell us what we really want, maybe we already know that, deep down.
it would be easy to say goodbye now that i know how much i mean to you.