我不想跳舞No,I don't want to dance。
不,你想,跳舞就是你现下需要的 It's just what you need
什么,你从哪里判断出我需要跳舞Oh,yeah?how do you know?
我抑郁的时候,是跳舞救了我I was depressed and dancing cured me。
尤吉,那个出租车司机,想要割腕自杀,跳舞也救了她Uge,the taxi driver,slit her wrists and almost died,and dancing saved her。
伊莱,我同事,一直生活在家暴的恐惧当中,是跳舞给了她报警的勇气Eli,my co-worker,lived in constant fear of her husband,and dancing gave her the nerve to call the police。