the ending is worth a star. but the previous part is just the screenwriter found herself a chance to say something straight about marriage, dreams and people, very opinionated.
“Which is harder to believe, that things are finally going the way you always wanted them to, or that the only way it could be this good is if it's all in your head? ” 乍一看以为又是一部像唐尼和宿醉小胖Zach的《预产期》那样的公路囧途喜剧,直到最后被那个细思极恐的结尾深深地震到…
当一切变的美好的不现实的时候 你该知道发生什么了
the ending is worth a star. but the previous part is just the screenwriter found herself a chance to say something straight about marriage, dreams and people, very opinionated.
是谁又提起曾经的约定 那关于理想的课堂作文 结局的逆转略似曾相识
听说人在最绝望时会陷入一种迷离状态 这种状态下自己渴望发生的故事会像走马灯一样在头脑中走来走去 其实这样死去也未尝不是一个最后的安慰~
“Which is harder to believe, that things are finally going the way you always wanted them to, or that the only way it could be this good is if it's all in your head? ” 乍一看以为又是一部像唐尼和宿醉小胖Zach的《预产期》那样的公路囧途喜剧,直到最后被那个细思极恐的结尾深深地震到…