首先要说因为种种巧合,内布拉斯加成了我film class debut的素材。
A road movie is a film genre in which the main characters leave home to travel from place to place, typically altering the perspective from their everyday lives. The road film is a standard plot employed by screenwriters. It is a type of bildungsroman, a story in which the hero changes, grows or improves over the course of the story.The on-the-road plot was used at the birth of American cinema but blossomed in the years after World War II, reflecting a boom in automobile production and the growth of youth culture.
我在给学生介绍这部影片时候就说到,this film does not have so much actions,fightings alike, not many visually dramatic scenes, the story was instead carried out by the lines of a few roles involved.
yes, this is a simple story in a sense, 先不过多说这部片子如何真实反映了美国当今的真实面貌,这些都是我看来非常可爱的面貌,西部开阔平原我们都听腻了就不说了,小镇的萧条,小镇居民虽爱财势利,出言市井,现实到让人可恨,但却真实,与其看那些美化了的虚假我倒喜欢看直白的描述。(好吧,又说了这么多==!)